rank strangers media biography
original independent rock music, established 1990 based in minneapolis, minnesota the united states of amerika dear reader: “hotel turpentine” (veto 050) is the new full length record album by minneapolis indie rock institution rank strangers release date: tuesday 2 august MMXXII this is the sound of your house falling down. "hotel turpentine" (12"/cd/download) recorded remotely march mmxx (la peste)-spring mmxxi (vaccine) drums performed and recorded by shawn davis (scorpio) at st. joes, saint paul, mn bass performed and recorded by davin odegaard (gemini) “in a basement somewhere in south minneapolis” the rest recorded by mike wisti (scorpio) at albatross all songs: the “uptight piano that shall not be tuned” *i dont know revenge (but i will)” inspired by chinese revolutionary qiu jin (1875-1907) art layout: rus kos (taurus) hotel turpentine is 38 minutes long (exactly) and 38 floors tall no computers (or elevators) were employed-we took the stairs! from the desk of: Nine Facts: 1 Rank Strangers Target won a Minnesota Music Award for Best Album of MCMXCVII. 2 Rank Strangers were the subject of cover story features in City Pages (MCMXCVI) and The Pulse (MMI). 3 Rank Strangers Tucke Des Objekts, Die was selected as Best Record of MMVIII by The Star Tribune. 4 Rank Strangers had a star on the wall outside the venerable rock club First Avenue until the stars were repainted several years ago. 5 Rank Strangers have played 725 shows. 6 Rank Strangers have 23 full-length, extended play, or single releases and have contributed music to numerous benefit/tribute/sampler projects. 7 There have been 8 Rank Strangers: bass player Davin Odegaard joined in MCMXCIV and drummer Shawn Davis joined in MMIV; Mike Wisti is the original founding member. 8 Rank Strangers/Albatross Recording founder Mike Wisti is the subject of the on-going film project known as “The Making of My Genius: The Movie”. 9 As proprietor of Albatross Recording Mike Wisti has recorded over 300 records in the past 25 years by such luminaries as Lifter Puller, Brute Heart, Grant Hart, Lucy Michelle and Black Diet. We are excited to release new music into the cruel world. No computers were employed! mike wisti: guitar/vocal davin odegaard: bass/vocal shawn davis: drum RANK STRANGERS ARE A UNIQUE BAND NO ONE LIKE US I Only Fear That We Are Modern: rank strangers: mike wisti: vocal/guitar, 5 november 5 1990 - present davin odegaard: bass/vocal, 24 september 24 1994 - present shawn davis: drums, 30 september 2004 - present former members: doug durbin: drums, 5 november 1990 - april 11, 1998 brien lilja: drums/vocal, 17 april 1998 - september 10, 2004 jacques wait: guitar/vocal, 31 march 1992 - november 13, 1998 leif wisti: bass, 5 november 1990 - september 14, 1994 charles wallin: guitar/vocal, 5 november 1990 - january 25, 1992 |